allowed under the fourth article, here are the felonies ig:
Charged with (any form of) Treason; Ban [Permanence: Yes] [Deletion: If Necessary, Yes]
The first count is the only count you get.
Charged with Spam/Flooding; Mute [Duration: Dependent on Severity] [Deletion: Yes]
2nd Count: Doubled Duration; 3rd Count (and onwards): Tripled Duration
Charged with Disobedience; Mute [Duration: Short] [Deletion: No]
2nd Count: Refer to 1st Count; 3rd Count: Medium Mute; Future Counts: Doubled Duration
Charged with Lyricposting; Mute [Duration: Short] [Deletion: Yes]
2nd Count: Medium Mute; 3rd Count (and onwards): Long Mute
Charged with Obscene Conduct; Mute [Duration: Medium] [Deletion: Yes]
2nd Count: Long Mute; 3rd Count: Refer to 2nd Count; Future Counts: Temporary Ban
Charged with Hateful Speech; Mute [Duration: Medium] [Deletion: Yes]
2nd Count: Doubled Duration; 3rd Count (and onwards): Temporary Ban
Charged with Dumbassery; None [Warning: ABSOLUTELY] [Deletion: No]
2nd Count: Short Mute; 3rd Count: Tripled Duration; 4th Count: Permanent Ban
Charged with Divine Intervention/Divine Negligence; None [Warning: Yes] [Deletion: No]
2nd Count: Medium Mute; 3rd count: Unmodded
Charged with Ragebaiting; None [Warning: Yes] [Deletion: If Necessary, Yes]
2nd Count (and onwards): Short Mute
Charged with Disorderly Conduct; None [Warning: If Necessary, Yes] [Deletion: No]
2nd Count (and onwards): Short Mute
Charged with (any form of) Annoying Conduct; None [Warning: Yes] [Deletion: No]
2nd Count: Short Mute; 3rd Count: Refer to 2nd Count; Future Counts: Medium Mute
Charged with Filibustering; None [Warning: Yes] [Deletion: If Necessary, Yes]
2nd Count (and onwards): Long Mute
1) weighing - if theres an article(s) that protects an act but an article(s) that also bans it, I'll weigh them by seeing if theres more articles that protect/bans the act than the opposing article(s) that protects/bans the act. Basically a ratio. The higher end of the ratio is prioritized
2) second authentication - if the article(s) only possibly protects/bans an act rather than outright protects/bans an act then it'll go through the second part of the process. Aka a vote is held. Its up to the wyrdlings whether the act should be considered banned/protected
The Trials:
Under Article 6 of the Divine Constitution, Wyrdings are accustomed to the exercise of requesting authoritative titles and powers; meaning the people have the right to ask about becoming a Vassal. Because of this particular freedom, a system is set in place to assure only those who are fit to become vassals, this is known as The Trials. This packet of information will briefly go over the necessary procedures needed for the process to become a Vassal.
#1 Server Citizenship
This must be approved before anything else, though it may seem more basic than crucial, there are citizenship requirements for Wyrdlings who desire to serve under the Diety:
A Wyrdling must have inhabited the sanctuary for at least a week before pursuing vassalhood.
Wyrdlings who have been temporarily banned before are no longer viable in terms of citizenship, and those who have left the server for 2 weeks (or more), and are now rejoining, will have their citizenship status reset and must abide to the clause above.
(These regulations must be followed and enforced by all of the council, there are no exceptions.)
#2 Criminal Record
One's criminal record can be observed two ways: 1. Via Memory; this only works for charges that weren't punished by mute, and therefore cannot be analoged. The Council will briefly discuss a wyrdling's recent charges that warranted a vex and/or a warning. 2. Via Checking Members; check on the User Updates of a member by observing their profile and calculate how many times they've been timed out (as each timeout implies they were charged with a crime), also look at the reason why they were timed out. This will determine their Criminal Score, here's how that works:
Every Wyrdling, when they first join, start with a default of 50 points on their Criminal Score (it can only decrease from here).
Misdemeanors (crimes that only warrant a warning on the first count); -2 points for each type the wyrdling had committed, of course this only goes for their second count of that crime, since they would've been timed out for it then.
For each additional count of the same misdemeanor; -1 point.
Felonies (crimes that warrant a mute, or worse on the first count); -5 points for each type the wyrdling had committed.
For each additional count of the same felony; -4 points.
If there happens to be a timeout without an explanation behind it, go neutral and subtract 3 points from the wyrdling's Criminal Score.
( After that, accumulate how many points need to be taken away from one's criminal score dependent on those recent charges—within a -1 to -10 point range. This should be AFTER calculating the timeouts.)
As for judgement?
50 Points - Perfect Score / No Criminal Record
40 to 49 Points - Decent Score
16 to 39 Points - Mundane Score
0 to 15 Points - Failing Score
Negative Points - Criminal Score / True Felon
#3 Holiness
After the previous procedures have been taken care of, the true test of worthiness and willpower begins. By this point, the Wyrdling will be called into (forced into, actually) The Pit. This is where they will reside for (likely) most of the day, answering through dozens of questions and scenarios given by either the Deity or (rarely) one of the Council. The answers will be discussed by the Council altogether, this section of The Trials will demonstrate the wyrdling's knowledge on divine matters, morality & hopeful achievements, and how well they held up when closed to only one channel.
A few questions to consider:
What do you hope to achieve by serving under the Diety as a Vassal?
What will be planned as soon as you achieve vassalhood?
What changes would you make to the server constitution?
Thoughts on the most recent Divine Amendments?
Any questions about the server or this procedure?
What do you believe is a fitting course of action for someone who was charged with multiple counts of Dumbassery for finding ways to implement unconstitutional rules in their own dungeon cell?
Do you think tyranny has occurred within the sanctuary, or is the sanctuary as democratic as ever?
(The first thing that should always be asked is for the wyrdling to introduce themselves and give basic information.)
#4 Final Decision
The Council must discuss the matters of the Wyrdling's Criminal Record and results offered in The Pit. When this final decision has been made, only then can the wyrdling be allowed to leave The Pit. Again, this will likely be all within a day, it is inhumane to leave a wyrdling in The Pit for more than 24 hours. It's isolation only serves to shield distraction, not to be akin to a new form of punishment.
Other things that should be discussed about the Wyrdling during this last step of The Trials:
Past Experience
Server Activity
Attitude towards Divine Powers (Vassals and Diety)